August 17, 2016
A historic Trueblood Victorian farmhouse moves to a church parking lot for temporary storage. Built in 1889 and weighing 65-tons, the structure will be moved again once it is sold.
The historic Trueblood Victorian farmhouse moves down 7th Avenue in Kirkland on Wednesday as owner Tim Currier, gets into position to photograph its turn into a church parking lot for temporary storage. Built in 1889, it’s one of Kirkland’s oldest homes and is on the market for $116,500, plus moving costs and a lot to be placed upon. The Nickel Bros will move the 65-ton structure to a new Kirkland lot or barge it to the San Juan Islands. The three-bedroom, one-bath has 1,480 square feet. A new structure will take its place.
A Nickel Bros Moving Company worker looks under the historic Trueblood Victorian farmhouse before it is relocated for temporary storage half a block away on Wednesday. The 1889 house is for sale, with details on the Nickel Bros website.
Neighbors and the owners gather at the curb across from 127 7th Avenue in Kirkland to watch the 65-ton house being moved by Nickel Bros on Wednesday.
Workers move plywood into place Wednesday so the historic Kirkland house can be moved from the street to temporary storage in a church parking lot in Kirkland. It’s a slow-speed move as a driver takes the farmhouse half a block down 7th Avenue in Kirkland.
After about two weeks of prep, the roads around the historic Trueblood house in Kirkland were closed only briefly Wednesday morning.
People come out to watch Nickel Bros move the 65-ton historic Trueblood Victorian farmhouse. It’s for sale for $116,500, plus moving costs and the necessary lot to place it upon.
Article Source — Alan Berner
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