$50,000 cad

Price includes house with local delivery and lowering onto foundation. Prices may vary based on final location, site accessibility, utility line work involved and/or barging requirements.

Reference #: 01-21-582

Listing Information

Listing Status: Available
Location: North Island, British Columbia
Local Office: Port Coquitlam

Listing Details

Square Footage: 1,120 sq.ft
Dimensions: 28' X 40'
Style: Bungalow
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms 1
Floors: Hardwood; Laminate; Carpet
Windows: Single Pane
Heat Type: Forced Air
Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Exterior: Stucco

Listing Features


This charming one-level home boasts stunning oak floors with mahogany inlay and an accessible tub making it perfect for all ages and abilities. Large windows throughout create a warm and inviting atmosphere with plenty of natural light. Three bedrooms and an essential bathroom, with easy access tub, ensure maximum comfort.
With a few updates this would make a great retirement or family home! Contact you local office today to schedule a viewing!

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