$107,900 cad

Price includes house with local delivery and lowering onto foundation. Prices may vary based on final location, site accessibility, utility line work involved and/or barging requirements.

Reference #: 02-21-1970

Listing Information

Listing Status: Available
Location: South Island, British Columbia
Local Office: Nanaimo

Listing Details

Square Footage: 972 sq.ft
Dimensions: 30' x 32'6"
Style: Bungalow
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms 1
Floors: Hardwood
Windows: Thermal/Double Pane
Heat Type: Radiant/Boiler
Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Exterior: Stucco

Listing Features


This great little bungalow is exceptionally well structured! This home’s charm is in the cove ceilings and hardwood floors. The newer windows, kitchen and roof complete this move-in-ready building. Additionally, the water radiant heat system gives this little starter home / cottage an efficient and clean heat source. Call your local office today to view this charmer…it won’t be around long!

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